OIDC Integration
SciCat can integrate with one or more OIDC servers to provide Authentication. Integration requires configuration of both backend and frontend in order to setup the redirecting and handshaking that the OAuth2 code flow requires. Additionally, it may involve writing custom code hooks in the backend in order to properly handle profile information obtained by the OIDC Auth Provider.
Backend Configuration
Configuration of the backend for OIDC involves adding a provider to providers.json
file. See Start Here for more information on configuring this file.
Here is an example of a provider that uses Google as an authenticator. Google is used here because it is well-documented and commonly available.
"google": {
"provider": "oidc",
"authScheme": "openid connect",
"module": "passport-openidconnect",
"authPath": "/auth/google",
"successRedirect": "http://localhost/user",
"failureRedirect": "http://localhost/login",
"failureFlash": true,
"session": false,
"issuer": "https://accounts.google.com",
"authorizationURL": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth",
"tokenURL": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
"userInfoURL": "https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo",
"clientID": "...",
"clientSecret": "...",
"callbackURL": "http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback",
"scope": ["email", "profile", "openid"],
"loginCallback": "sampleLoginCallback"
Note that information about Google sign in can be found here, details are beyond the scope of this document.
Note that OIDC authentication services publish their specific settings in a Discovery document.. To find the settings for, say, google, see https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
Details about the fields in this provider configuration:
- provider is used by the loopback-passport-configurator to build a strategy
- authScheme is used by the loopback-passport-configurator to build a strategy
- module describes the passport module to use. passport-openidconnect is already included in the backend
- authPath is the path that the backend will create (with the help of loopback-passport-configurator) to begin the authentication process. The backend will redirect users to this path (once it is configured, of course!)
- successRedirect is the URL passed to the OIDC provider instructing it to redirect the user on success. Here we set it to the a development environment's user page.
- failureRedirect is the URL passed to the OIDC provider instructing it to redirect the user on failed authentication. Here we set it to the a development environment's user page login page.
- failureFlash is currently unsupported.
- session is not needed, since the frontend authenticates outside of sessions.
- authorizationURL is specific to your OIDC provider
- tokenURL is specific to your OIDC provider
- userInfoURL is specific to your OIDC provider
- clientID is specific to your OIDC provider
- clientSecret is specific to your OIDC provider
- scope is specific to your OIDC provider
- loginCallback optional name of a callback function to run to add profile information to the UserIdentity
Session Secret
The nodejs module passport-openidconnect
requires the use of the express-session
to create a login session for the user.
This requires a session secret to be configured in config.local.js
module.exports = {
expressSessionSecret: "thisIsSuperSecretForUserSession"
SciCat Frontend Configuration
The default login page in the frontend provides a username/password form that is used both for local and LDAP/AD authentication. When using and OIDC authentication provider, SciCat will not ask the user for credential directly. Instead, the user will be redirected to the OIDC provider to authenticate. So, the frontend provides two configuration settings to modify the login page appropriately.
These setting are accomplished by modifying the frontend environment document.
loginFormEnabled: false,
oAuth2Endpoints: [
{displayText: "Google", displayImage: "../../../assets/images/btn_google_light_normal_ios.svg", authURL: "auth/google"}]
- loginFormEnabled sets whether to display the username/password form in the login page
- oAuth2Endpoints provides information that the frontend uses to display "Sign in with ..." buttons. Note that this is an array, multiple buttons for multiple OIDC providers can be configured.
- displayText sets the name of the provider to display in the button. In this case, the button will show "Sign In With Google"
- displayImage defines an image to display in the button. The image will end up being 24px tall. It is recommended that the image be in SVG format.
- authURL defines the relative path that the user will be redirected to when they click the button. Note that this maps to the
setting described above.
Backend Code Hooks
Configuring backend and frontend to authenticate through OIDC is very useful for providing a third party authentication. However, there two issues that come up that can be addressed with backend code hooks:
- By default, the system will authenticate all users who pass come in through the OAuth Provider.
- By default, the users profile in the application will contain information gathered from the OAuth Provider, and nothing more.
Prevent Authenticating Unkown Users
In Backend Configuration, we configured the loginCallback. The value of this file is the name of a function that must be defined and exported. See login-call.js for details.
Code snippet is presented for as an example, omitting the particular details about communicating with an external system:
module.exports.sampleLoginCallback = function(req, done) {
return function(err, user, identity, token) {
var authInfo = {
identity: identity,
if (token) {
authInfo.accessToken = token;
const requestURL = getUserURL(identity);
if (!requestURL){
logger.logError(`unexpected authenticator type: ${identity.provider}`);
request(requestURL, function (error, response, body) {
// ask external system for the user's profile information
if (error){
// and error occurred talking to the external system (possibly from a connection issue)...deny login
logger.logError(`error talking to external ${error.message}`);
done(err, null, null);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
const bodyObj = JSON.parse(body);
logger.logInfo("user service returned", bodyObj);
logger.logError(`external system replied with an error ${response.statusCode} - ${body}.`);
// external system replied with a negative response...deny login
done(err, null, null);
//accept login
done(err, user, authInfo);
Add information to User's Profile
By default profile information from the Authentication Provider will be added to the user's profile. This profile is stored in the DaCat database UserIdentity
collection. This collection is created by the loopback-component-passport library, and is also used for LDAP authentication. The backend LDAP integrations populate this collection with the user's LDAP profile information automatically with a callback. One of the most important things that is added to the profile is the user's accessGroups field, which is critical to calculating a user's privilege in SciCat.
One way to mimic this with an OAuth2 provider is to use a before save
Loopback Operation Hook. This hook will get called as the user logs in and allows you to add information to the UserIdentity
collection, which will be used in a variety of places, including access controls.
The following code snippet is presented for as an example, omitting the particular details about communicating with an external system:
// Observe saving UserIdentity. This gives us the ability to update the user profile with facility-specific groups
module.exports = function (app) {
app.models.UserIdentity.observe("before save", function(ctx, next) {
if (!ctx.data){
logger.logInfo("No context data from UserIdentity");
request(userURL, function (error, response, _body) {
// ask external system for user information so we can get group info
if (error){
logger.logError(`error talking to external system ${error.message}`);
if (response.statusCode == 200){
// add groups to profile, saving in the UserIdentity model
ctx.data.profile.accessGroups = JSON.parse(response.body).groups;